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Cartoon Pornography: A Gateway to Pornography Consumption.

In recent research, the British Board of Film Classification demonstrates that children are involuntarily exposed to cartoon pornography on the internet. Nowadays children between ages 6 and 12 are very familiar with the use of technology, smartphones, and the Internet. Even when experts have worked on implementing filters to detect inappropriate content on web pages, these have not been as effective in detecting cartoon pornography. Cartoon pornography is also known as non-photographic pornography.


Filters like AlexNet, GoogleNet, VGG16, ResNet, CNN, and others have been designed to detect and recognize some characteristics of pornographic content in videos or images. They have had success in detecting inappropriate content, especially when the cartoon itself presents a pornographic act as part of the script. However, some use characters from popular children's movies to create pornographic content when in reality the cartoon itself does not present any pornographic content in its script. Characters from children's movies such as Frozen, Tangled, Pokémon, and others have been used to create pornographic scenarios. Therefore, the danger is that children may innocently be searching for videos with names of their favorite characters and come across pornographic material.


According to NCOSE research, it has been found that cartoon or non-photographic pornography is consumed by children accidentally, however, this can become a door for children to later consume photographic or ordinary pornography. Therefore, danger is present, and we should pay attention to what our children watch on their electronic devices.


Children are at a stage where imitation is part of their learning and training. Therefore, if there is no adequate regulation, they would be more likely to imitate the acts they see in that type of content, content that generally includes sexual abuse and other violent attitudes. It should be noted that the nominal development of children is also affected in different ways, such as their academic and intellectual performance, concentration, establishment of relationships and communication, lack of confidence, self-regulation, and more. Additionally, children would be at risk of becoming targets of sexual abuse or perpetrators of violence and sexual abuse.


Do you want to know how to protect your children from these dangers?

You are not alone! We are here to help you. Visit you will find several sources that will guide you on how to protect your children from the danger of pornography. Join us! We all can make the digital world a safer place for our children!





Aldahoul, N., Karim, H., Abdullah, M., Wazir, A., Fauzi, M. F., Tan, M., Mansor, S., & Lyn, H. (2021). An Evaluation of Traditional and CNN-Based Feature Descriptors for Cartoon Pornography Detection. IEEE Access, Access, IEEE, 9, 39910–39925.


Moric, L. (2023). Cartoon Pornography: A Serious Threat to Our Children. National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Retrieved from Cartoon Pornography: Cartoon Pornography: A Serious Threat to Our Children (



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