Citizens For Decency is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization that works to fight against pornography. Citizens for Decency host Unite to Fight community conferences to inform, educate, and advocate against pornographic material. Citizens for Decency also works to educate and provide resources for those affected by pornography. Pornography tears families apart, creates addictions, and leads to child sexual exploitation.

At the request of a devastated widow and mother, Citizens for Decency was created in order to give hope to those whose lives have been ravaged by pornography and to prevent others from experiencing her pain.
Pornography is a dark topic
and fighting it is an uphill battle.
Citizens for Decency has worked from day one
to shine a light in that darkness.
"Since beginningless time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields
to purifying light."
Author Unknown
Here are a few of our achievements so far...
and we're just getting started!
Citizens for Decency's Recent Accomplishments:
Introduced and passed resolutions in Idaho and Arizona declaring pornography addiction a public health crisis.
Introduced and passed Idaho legislation requiring child-friendly internet filters at public schools and libraries and internet safety training for students and educators.
Hosted anti-pornography conferences, with presenters including Dr. Jill Manning, Dr. Donald L. Hilton Jr., Phil and Vickie Burress, Shane Pope, and Patrick Trueman, Clay Olsen, and Elder Mervyn B. Arnold.
Successfully lobbied anti-pornography and pro-family legislation at state and national levels.